Health and Safety

Health and Safety Overview

One major safety and environmental problem is lead. Because lead was cheap and useful, it is found in many products and in many places in the environment. Lead can affect anybody, but children under the age of four and pregnant women are most at risk. Lead can affect children by causing learning and attention problems, hearing loss, slowed growth and behaviour problems. Lead can affect adults too. Low levels of exposure can cause joint and muscle pain, high blood pressure and infertility. Higher levels can cause memory loss, nerve problems and at very high levels, fits.

Source “The Lead Group The Lead Education and Abatement Group” – Lead Safe Facts 1998

About the Environment – ask us about the Government Rebate for ceiling insulation.

Climate Control

The Autex range of GreenStuf products can reduce heat gain in Summer and heat loss in Winter by up to 60% in any Australian home. This means that you can save hundreds of dollars every year on your heating and air conditioning bill. GreenStuf batts can save you up to 60% on heating and cooling costs. Keeping you warm in Winter and cool in Summer.

Noise Control

Properly installed insulation can significantly reduce annoying noise entering the house or room as well as insulating from the effects of heat or cold from outside. QuietStuf polyester insulation delivers the acoustic results plus provides thermal benefits all without affecting your health.

Fire Hazard Control

In some areas (especially in houses near railway lines or where there were coal-burning generators) ceiling dust can be a major fire hazard. The amount of coal fly ash in the dust can make it extremely combustible. Ceiling dust removal greatly reduces this potential hazard. Additionally our GreenStuf insulation is fire resistant and exceeds all requirements of the Australia Building Codes.


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Over 20 years of Experience


When work is done in your attic or on your roof most likely there is a mess left behind. Over time more mess accumulates in your roof space and this could weigh your ceilings down.


All our work is quality assurance guarantee. Insulvac takes pride in all aspects of our service delivery ensuring we leave you happy with our work and service.


We make your roof space hygiene our business! We are experienced certified dust removalists and founding members of the Australian Dust Removalists Association (ADRA).


Because Lead is cheap and useful, it is found in many products and places in the environment. Over the years large amounts of dust collect in your roof space, often containing lead; we could be talking about your attic right now!


We cannot put enough emphasis on the immediate benefits for your family and the long-term benefits for our environment from insulation removal and replacement. It’s a smart move for everybody.


Insulation is a cost effective investment to improving your home’s overall energy efficiency and result in dramatic reductions on your energy bills. Some types of insulation can also make your home more soundproof.